Absolutely identical triplets. They are already 7 years old: how handsome brothers grow and look

These amazing babies were born seven years ago. At that time, a three-year-old daughter was already being raised in the family, and the news about the triplets, to put it mildly, dumbfounded future parents. Many scientists from all over the world were also surprised! After all, identical triplets were born. According to statistics, such a case as the mother of children, one in 200 million!

The kids, who immediately became a sensation, were filmed on TV shows, written in magazines, devoted to the front pages of newspapers. Seeing the public’s unceasing interest in children, the parents decided to create a blog about the fun everyday life of a large family! At first, it was a platform for the exchange of experiences. Over time, she began to bring considerable income, thanks to cooperation with brands of children’s clothing and toys.

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