A scarlet shirt on a nакеd body! Emily Ratajkowski showed sеdսсtivе photos from her vacation

A scarlet shirt on a nакеd body! Emily Ratajkowski showed sеdսсtivе photos from her vacation

Emily has literally been on a roll lately. After the divorce, the girl could not come to her senses for a long time, but now that Emily has finally recovered, she cannot be stopped.

A scarlet shirt on a nакеd body! Emily Ratajkowski showed sеdսсtivе photos from her vacation

Ratajkowski wears the most daring outfits, goes on dates and regularly travels with friends.

When Emily announced her separation from her husband, producer Sebastian Bear-McClard, in 2022, fans could not understand the reason for this decision. After all, literally a month before the divorce, the couple was photographed together.

A scarlet shirt on a nакеd body! Emily Ratajkowski showed sеdսсtivе photos from her vacation

They looked happy, and there was no sign of the end of the relationship. Ratajkowski did not hide the reason for the sudden cooling towards her husband.

It turned out that Sebastian was cheating on her. Moreover, this happened on a regular basis from the very beginning of their relationship.
Emily decided that she would not tolerate such treatment and filed for divorce. The husband of the most desirable girl in the world was never able to achieve her forgiveness. So now the model is raising her son Sylvester without a husband.

A scarlet shirt on a nакеd body! Emily Ratajkowski showed sеdսсtivе photos from her vacation

For a long time, Ratajkowski could not recover. However, time has passed and for a couple of months now the paparazzi literally cannot keep track of Emily.

Almost every day she demonstrates simply luxurious images, “walking” them on dates with famous bachelors or meetings with star friends.

A scarlet shirt on a nакеd body! Emily Ratajkowski showed sеdսсtivе photos from her vacation

Recently, a girl shared a photo in one of these outfits. Now Emily and her friends went to the sea. For a photo on the beach, the girl decided to wear not a swimsսit, but a mini-shirt.

Against the background of a paradise tropical landscape, the scarlet color looked very impressive.

The supermodel had a Panama hat on her head and a massive necklace around her neck. Emily is clearly not the kind of girl who forgets her jewelry on the beach. She, unlike many, always looks her best.

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